A window into my passion
A window into my passion
Welcome to my website!
It is important to me that you have an idea of why I love what I do.Surprisingly, I never dreamed of being a makeup artist growing up. My childhood aspirations included being many other things such as the president, a fashion designer or a famous musician. I had a burning desire in my heart as a child that no matter what career path I chose I wanted to bring a positive change to the world.
In 2012 the Lord opened a job opportunity for me at a salon in Wise, VA. During that time I began a cosmetology apprenticeship and started searching out everything I could find to learn more about the art of makeup. (Before working at the salon I had no experience with makeup other than a basic interest.)
Towards the end of my apprenticeship I realized that makeup artistry was a career that I could wake up everyday excited about because it gave me the ability to connect with women from every walk of life.
I'm aware of the stigma that labels the beauty community as superficial.
While I don't deny that can exist in this line of work, I want to be the exception.
I want this beautiful art that I am pursuing to be used for a purpose.
I want to see women empowered, encouraged and excited about who they are in their individuality.
I believe that doing what you're passionate about makes the world a better place because you wake up everyday and give 100%.